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Welcome To Chanchalakhi Entertainment: Bengali Film - Actress

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Veterinary Assistant Recruitment in Daman and Diu Administration Govt Health Department.

Daman and Diu Administration Govt Health Department is going to appoint for filling up the Veterinary Assistant vacancies in the Department of Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Services of the D.T. Administration of Daman & Diu.
Name of the Post : Veterinary Assistant.
Number of Vacancies : 3 posts.
Academic Qualifications : Certificate of Training in Live Stock Supervisor / Inspector / Assistant / Stockmen / Diploma in Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Surgeon.   
Age Limit : 18-30 years.
How to Apply : All interested and eligible candidates visit  http://www.daman.nic.in/jobs/2012/Animal_Husbadry_&_Veterinary_Services/548-08-11-2012.pdf  for original advertisement & application form.  
Address : Office of the Veterinary Officer,Mashal Chowk Nani,Daman-396 210.  
Closing date of Application submission : 08.1.2012.

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